Check out this sweet looking ride parked in Huntington Beach today.
We walked around Huntington Beach today, this crisp, windy last day of 2014. We had some lunch at the end of the Pier at Ruby’s Diner, always great food there. It was zip-up chill today, but lovely and sunny and revelers took in the surfing action below the pier.
2014 was a really good year. We kicked things off in grand style heading over to Ireland on New Year’s Eve, then spent the next two weeks visiting Mum and traveling to Dublin. We followed this with a wonderful family reunion event in Irvine, an amazing day with all of the Cardullo family gathered and relatives. I turned the big 5.0 this year, but still run as smooth as version 3.5 mentally, physically I will have to work on this coming year. We got to see Simon Townshend with our friends Mark and Jilly who came all the way to California from England.
I got to do a little bit of travel for work, visiting Dallas for our annual conference. Bill Clinton was our keynote speaker. There is something quite awesome about the presence of a former U.S. President, and he did not disappoint with his remarks. The work on the event resulted in my winning a first-half FY2015 Credit Excellence award, the first work-related award I have won in a long time. My name also goes into the hat for a chance to go to Nevis later in 2015. Fingers crossed. Work has been so great this year. Too many highlights to recap here.
Spent a wonderful weekend on Catalina Island with our friends Skip and Kathie, where we were treated to a tour of the island, coming up close and personal to wild buffalo and eagles.
In all, 2014 was a pretty good year and I am very excited about 2015, so much to look forward to.
Happy New Year.